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Home of the one and only Fandrich Vertical Action that plays like a grand.
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"Darrell Fandrich is one of the most amazing gentlemen I have ever had the good fortune to meet. The pianos he makes have better quality sound than any piano I have heard. The touch and action are light and perfect. His tuning techniques are unrivaled anywhere. I wouldn't trade my Fandrich & Sons piano for any other piano out there."

-- Ann Haffner

"The touch is perfect, everything is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing."

-- Miles Black

Regarding the Fandrich & Sons Model 122 upright:

"You certainly exerted some kind of magic on this piano!"

Regarding the Fandrich & Sons Model 130V upright:

"I've never played an upright that had this amount of sonority."

-- Randy Hokanson
University of Washington Professor Emeritus

Thank you so very much for spending so much time with us today. Even
though he was exhausted Mac [Frampton, Steinway concert artist]
thoroughly enjoyed his time with you and your son and being able to play
all of the pianos. My husband and I enjoyed watching and listening to
the discussions in the shop, most of which we didn’t understand. What a
fabulous place you have and all these years I had no clue you were out
there just off of a road that I drive often.

-- Karen Dreyer

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"The first time I played on your piano with the new [FVA] action, I found it an amazing experience - it was difficult to believe I was not playing on a grand piano. I could see that I was sitting in front of an upright instrument, but the sensitivity to the touch and its capability of giving many degrees of shading and tone coloring were astonishing. Even grand pianos, unless they are the finest, do not respond with the gradations of tone that this upright can give. Recalling the poor pianos often found in practice rooms throughout many music schools and colleges, I cannot help thinking what a boon this piano would be to many aspiring young musicians. In homes also, this piano will greatly help student pianists to develop sensitivity to tone and touch. If a student has a good piano which responds to the various types of touch, gives different tone colors, and lets him know when he has gotten the touch right, he is going to develop greater control and skill in less time. I feel this invention will prove a blessing to all students and their teachers."

-- Michiko Morita Miyamoto