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Home of the one and only Fandrich Vertical Action that plays like a grand.
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Fandrich & Sons

Fandrich & Sons 122 Mahogany (special order) 48" Upright Piano


  • Traditional action
  • Mahogany polish
  • Hand rubbed satin finish for $750
  • Matching bench
  • 12 year warranty
  • Also available in polished ebony ($6,420) and polished walnut
"2007-8 was my sabbatical year in France, and it was mostly about finally having time to work on listening for beautiful sound, long singing lines, and having the time to make music every day. Naturally, I bought a F/S grand and shipped it to my house in SW France. I could never have enjoyed my time or learned so much without my Fandrich. It never lies to you."

-- Cassandra Carr, Ph.D.